The Punjab government has declared a local holiday in Lahore District on Monday, August 26, 2024, to celebrate the 981st Annual Urs of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA). The announcement was made on Tuesday through a notification issued by the Services and General Administration Department (Welfare Wing).
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA) is a highly respected Sufi saint, and his shrine in Lahore attracts countless pilgrims from around the world. This holiday honors his significant place in Pakistani culture and spirituality.
In addition to the government’s announcement, the Lahore High Court (LHC) has also declared a public holiday on August 26. This decision was approved by Acting Chief Justice Abid Aziz Sheikh. According to the notification, all session and civil courts in Lahore will remain closed on that day in observance of the Urs of Hazrat Ali Hajveri, also known as Data Ganj Bakhsh.
The declaration of a local holiday in Lahore for the Urs of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh reflects the deep respect and cultural importance of this revered Sufi saint. This day allows people to pay homage and participate in the religious activities associated with the Urs. It also acknowledges the significance of Sufi traditions in Pakistan’s cultural heritage. The government and courts recognizing this event with a holiday is a positive gesture that honors the spiritual sentiments of many in the community.