Summer Break 2024: Schools in Punjab Shutting Down Due to Rising Temperatures

summer break 2024 schools in punjab shutting down due to rising temperatures 1

Schools in Punjab, including Lahore and Rawalpindi, will have their summer vacations starting from June 2024. This decision comes as the weather gets hotter.

The Punjab Education Minister announced that summer holidays will begin on June 7, 2024, and end on August 19, 2024. This means schools will be closed for more than two months in all cities of Punjab.

Every year during summer, schools close for over two months to keep students safe from the intense heat. The temperature in Lahore has reached 40 degrees Celsius, and it’s expected to get even hotter in the upcoming days.

The high temperatures can lead to heatstroke and dehydration, putting students’ lives at risk. That’s why authorities choose to shut down schools across the province for more than two months.

I think it’s a wise decision to prioritize students’ safety during extreme weather conditions. It’s essential to provide them with a comfortable environment to learn and play without risking their health.