Lahore High Court Directs Punjab Authorities to Address Polythene Bag Issue

lahore high court directs punjab authorities to address polythene bag issue

The Lahore High Court has taken a significant step towards addressing the issue of polythene bags in Punjab. Following a hearing against factories and brick kilns contributing to pollution, Justice Shahid Karim issued a written order based on petitions filed by Citizen Haroon Farooq and others.

In the issued order, the court directed all Deputy Commissioners across Punjab to devise a comprehensive policy for managing and disposing of polythene bags. Additionally, they are tasked with setting a standard price for citizens who responsibly discard these bags. The court emphasized the importance of sustained efforts to curb harmful emissions from companies and brick kilns.

Furthermore, the court has urged the Chamber of Commerce to submit a report within four weeks. This report should provide guidance to industries throughout Punjab on minimizing waste and pollution.

The next hearing for this case is adjourned until May 3. The court has instructed authorities to present the formulated policy from all districts of Punjab during the upcoming hearing.