Warning Issued to Private Schools in Lahore Over Extra Fees and Mandatory Purchases

warning issued to private schools in lahore over extra fees and mandatory purchases

The Punjab government has issued a warning to private schools in Lahore. These schools are demanding extra money from parents besides the regular monthly fees. They also force parents to buy uniforms and books from particular shops.

The District Registration Authority, with Lahore Deputy Commissioner Rafia Haider’s signature, sent a notice to the principals and owners of these private schools.

The notice refers to Section 7A(7) and (10) of The Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) Ordinance 1984. According to this law, private schools can only charge tuition and admission fees. They cannot force students to buy uniforms and books from specific shops.

This action followed instructions from DC Haider to Education Lahore CEO Pervez Akhtar. Akhtar was told to issue warning notices to all private schools in the district.

DC Haider mentioned that LACAS School’s principal admitted to charging technology fees in addition to tuition and admission fees. The school also enforced buying books and uniforms from approved vendors. Hence, warning notices were to be sent to LACAS School.

Akhtar clarified that any complaints would lead to actions against the school under relevant clauses of the law. He emphasized that parents should not be coerced into buying books from specific places. All private schools demanding extra funds will face consequences.

The order stated that if a school continues to violate regulations after receiving the notice, a complaint will be filed with the District Registering Authority. Penalties will be imposed as per the Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) Ordinance 1984.

Schools were directed to submit a compliance report detailing their actions in response to the warning. This report would be sent to the Chairperson of District Registration Authority Lahore for review.