Punjab Farmers Demand Fair Wheat Prices Post Eid

punjab farmers demand fair wheat prices post eid

Punjab’s Kisan Ittehad, a farmers’ union, is gearing up for widespread protests across the province following Eidul Fitr. They are slamming the government for setting a low support price for wheat.

Chaudhry Khalid Hussain Bath, the Chairman of Kisan Ittehad, has strongly criticized the government’s decision to keep the wheat support price stagnant at Rs3,900 per maund. He believes this amount is insufficient, especially considering the significant increase in production costs.

Bath emphasized the drastic rise in prices for essential agricultural inputs such as fertilizer, electricity, and diesel. He argues that the government should have adjusted the support price in line with inflation to ensure farmers receive fair compensation for their efforts.

Expressing disappointment with Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, Bath accused her of not fulfilling promises made to support farmers. He labeled the current policy as “anti-farmer” and demanded an immediate revision of the wheat support price to a minimum of Rs5,000 per maund.

Furthermore, Bath highlighted the contrast with neighboring Sindh province, where the support price for wheat stands higher at Rs4,600 per maund. He pledged that Punjab farmers would stage vigorous protests post Eid to press for a fairer deal from the government.